Hardwood floor refinishing


We offer affordable Refinish Hardwood Floors in all NJ,  for more than 10 years our sanding process is highly effective and we only use high quality finishing products, we will make your floors look like new.

Refinish Hardwood Floors  is the best way of increasing the value of your home while simultaneously beautifying your space,

We sand all the finish of the existing floor and remove approximately 1/32″ of wood that will remove any scratch.Floors are then coated with polyurethane, most 3/4″ hardwood floors can be sanded up to six times, as long as done by professionals, you can also choose to have your hardwood floors stain before the clear urethane is applied, that will be giving a different color to your wood, but not all woods can take stain,  we will always give you a professional advice. There are many varieties of stain colors and each floor takes the stain differently for many factors, so we will sample the colors that you like on your floors that is the only way you will be able to really see the tone that you can expect.